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Challenge Week 040

Are you ready to be a game-changer?

Challenge Week is your stage, where your skills shine brighter than any diploma.

This summer, we’re calling all young innovators and visionaries from Summa Engineering, Fontys Pulsed, and TU/e to join forces and redefine possibilities. Contribute with your skills and expertise to lead your team to victory by finding transforming solutions in digitalization, sustainability and wellbeing


Tuesday, September 10 to 
Thursday, September 12, 2024


On TUe Campus


TU/e, Fontys Pulsed Academy, Summa Engineering

Challenge week 040 is open to the students at TU/e, Fontys Pulsed and Summa Engineering.

Immerse yourself in an environment filled with enthusiasm and creativity. Seize this chance to forge new connections, friendships, and partnerships that could propel your career forward. Challenge Week 040 can enrich both your personal and professional life with the following benefits:

    • Experience the latest equipment and smart technologies.
    • Work hands-on on tangible prototypes and innovations.
    • Contribute to sustainable shared spaces to cook, work or play together.
    • Develop essential future skills by working across institutional boundaries.

Challenge Week 2023

Discover all the details and see the photos from the first edition of Challenge Week 040 in August 2023! Click on the button below to learn more.

Interested in being part of Challenge Week 040

TU/e students can register by signing up.

Students from selected Summa Engineering classes can get more information regarding Challenge week 040 via their mentor. 


Students from the Fontys Pulsed Master Program and Associate Degree starting next year will receive more information regarding Challenge week 040 via their program coordinator.


Discover & Define


Develop & Deliver


Reflect & Present


8:30 - 12:15
Registration &
Morning Program

9:00 - 12:30
Morning Program
9:00 - 12:00
Morning Program  
12:15 - 13:00
12:30 - 13:15
12:00 - 12:45
13:00  - 18:00
Afternoon Program
13:15  - 17:30
Afternoon Program
12:45  - 15:00
Afternoon Program
18:00  - 19:30
Dinner & Games
  15:00  - 18:00
Expo & Drinks

Challengers overview:

Challenge Week is your stage, where your skills shine brighter than any diploma.

This summer, we’re calling all young innovators and visionaries from Summa Engineering, Fontys Pulsed, and TU/e to join forces and redefine possibilities. Contribute with your skills and expertise to lead your team to victory by finding transforming solutions in digitalization, sustainability and wellbeing


Future proof building

Apply smart technologies to an existing building to enhance its functionality and sustainability, making it intelligent, comfortable, and energy-efficient.



Pop-up kitchen

Enhance the mobile pop-up kitchen with new features that support healthy cooking, are sustainable, use renewable energy and remain affordable for users.



Public play spaces

Let’s think beyond traditional playground equipment to come up with creative ideas for all children of both today and tomorrow. Combine data and field research to propose contextual and innovative designs for play in the public space.


Inclusive Conviction

Challenge Week 040 is co-organized by Fontys Pulsed, Summa  Engineering and TU/e. Never before have students from the different institutions worked so closely together to tackle real challenges for real clients. Strange really, because regardless of their emphasis on theory or practice, every student can contribute to innovations that make the world a little better. And together, they are even stronger. Based on this inclusive conviction, Challenge Week 040 was born.


We thank our esteemed sponsors for supporting us.

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Eindhoven365 040 challenge week